產品尺寸 product size: 22 x 18 cm
連帽公仔尺寸 product size w/hat: 25.5 x 18 cm
*Include: school badge x 1pc
graduation name badge x 1pc, certificate x 1pc
red/purple gown x 1pc, graudation hat x 1pc
$99/PC for 10 - 19 pcs
$85/pc for 20 - 99 pcs
$75/pc for 100 - 499 pcs
$69/pc for > 499 pcs
請與misstoys聯絡 extra cost for the other gown
style, please contact us
畢業男公仔 Graduation Doll (Boy)
*請留意購買畢業公仔事項 Please notice for purchasing the graduation doll:
(i) 包括校徽襟章、畢業生名牌、紅/紫色畢業袍各一
Include: school badge x 1PC, graduation name badge x 1PC, red/purple gown x 1PC
(ii) 凡購買畢業公仔,將會免費替公仔燙上名牌和扣上印有校徽襟章,公仔將以獨立透明膠袋包裝
All graduation dolls are attached with a school badge and student name and will be packed in an individual plastic bag. The cost is FREE
(iii) 客戶須提供學生名稱(excel/word檔)及校徽(AI/PSD/PDF檔), 並電郵至info@misstoys.com.hk
Excel/Word file for student names and AI/PSD/PDF file for school badges are provided by customers. The files need sending to info@misstoys.com.hk
(iv) 如需其他畢業袍款式可與本公司聯絡3994 6787
Kindly contact us at 3994 6787 should the other style of gowns are required
^請留意購買校服布公仔事項 Please notice for purchasing the doll in school uniform:
(i) 價格因應校服的款式和數量來定
Price is subject to the style of school uniform and total quantity